
where the electricity comes from ?


Page 06

Now we want to visit power stations, because we want to know for sure...
... where from the electricity comes, when we plug in a cable into a socket.
People need lots of electricity every day.
Your Dad prepares the morning tea. Mum dries her hair, your brother brushes his teeth with the electric tooth-brush, you have to time to play a computer-game while they are doing so....

The electricity that comes out of the socket is sent to our houses by power-stations. The electricity floats through enormously long wires and cables. There are different types of power-stations:

Thermal- power- stations produce electricity by heating enormous amounts of water. The rising steam is led through turbines. This moves a giant dynamo (called generator) and thus produces electricity.

Which types of power- stations were invented by mankind?

First of all we want to show you how the thermal-power-stations work:
  • at a coal fired power station, coal is burnt in order to heat the water.
  • at a gas-fired-power-station, natural gas does this work for us.
  • at a iomass-station straw and wood is burnt in order to heat the water.

Gaskraftwerk in Wien Leopoldau



