


page 14

And …

… that there is a very important gland in your body – the thyroid gland. There are two of them each sitting on one side of your neck. And her duty is to keep dangerous attacks on your health away from your body.

This gland is really able to do something gorgeous.

When eating your food nearly always contains salt. Part of this salt is iodine.

The gland now plays the wizzard. It takes thes the iodium out of the salt and turns it into very important substances for your body. Great, isn’t it?

But even the best wizzard like the thyroid gland doesn’t know that it’s not supposed to take in iodium 131, which is now everywhere in the air. The gland simply doesn’t know the difference of this radioactive iodium 131 and the „normal“ iodium. Radioactive iodium causes illnesses and attack the thyroid gland. This we have to avoid for certain.

How can we manage that? Is that really possible?

I can tell you – it really works!

By taking a potassium iodine tablet you play a trick on your thyroid gland. The gland takes the whole iodioum out of the tablet – and can’t take up any of the iodium 131 any more! That’s the way it works to avoid illnesses.

You thyroid gland is safe against any attack of radio activity!



