


page 19

… some thoughts before I leave you…
I hope I was able to answer the most important questions and thus could help you to act quietly and clever during an emergency. I would really appreciate that!

But my greatest wish is that no radioactive cloud will ever be seen in the sky. I know that is a difficult wish because there are so many atomic stations in the whole of Europe. The reason ist hat Europe needs more and more electric energy. Even in Austria on fifth of this electricity comes from atomic stations in other countries. Do you have a chance to do something in order to change the situation? Are you already using electricity in a clever way, saving it as much as possible? If you manage ot use less energy – for instance by not playing computer games for hours, by turning of the light in rooms where nobody sits – it would be a good start. Maybe your parents are already thinking about changing to some renewable energy coming from water, wind and sun. In this case we would have the chance to use less energy coming from atomic energy power stations. And that would make the chance for a radioactive cloud to appear much smaller.

Take care – of the energy and of you yours sincerely Little Atom


