Control rods and fuel rods must be controlled and looked after very accurately by the staff working at an atomic power station.
Fuel rods are dangerous, but those which were
in use for quite a long time are even more dangerous and should never be touched by people.
The reason is that there are damaging rays on those fuel rods. Anybody coming too close is in danger.
As we know now the dangerous members of the atom’s family Uran 235 are used fort he fuel rods in atomic
power stations. In case too many dangerous atoms of this group are in the power station the control rod absorbs them.
This is the reason why a breakdown of the control rods has the most awful consequences possible.
Why is that so? Radio activity can then easily find a way out in the open air…

If for instance an aeroplane crashes over an atomic reactor or the tank leaks the same emergency happens: radioactivity finds it’s way into the air, into the water.
That is the reason why specialists working at an atomic station are always very busy with
controlling and looking after tank and rods. Thus they help to avoid an atomic accident. |